Data Center Business
Major Peering Point in Japan
Core of Network connectivity
in West-side of Japan.
Choice of multiple networks.
- Major IX(JPNAP) and ISPs.
- Carrier neutral

Dojima Connect Service
The Optical Fiber Network Services
interconnecting major data centers
in Dojima, Osaka.

Route of Network Cabling
Dojima Data Center realizes high
secure route for communication
network by “TODO”.

“TODO” is the underground tunnel dedicated to communication/network cable which provides much more safe and secure network than conduit or external cabling.

Cloud Business
Diverse Service Range
We offer an extensive menu of services to address
the various problems that clients face.
In addition to remote access, web conferencing and other virtual platforms that enable a high degree of operational flexibility, we offer rental servers that span a wide range of needs(from novices to e-commerce providers)as well as online storage and various industry-specific applications as SaaS services. This extensive lineup enables us to tailor optimal cloud solutions to meet the specific needs of diverse clients.
High Reliability
Our reliable proprietary data center protects important
systems from widespread disasters and trespassers.
Nowadays, cloud computing is becoming considered a new type of business infrastructure. However, many customers are uncomfortable about leaving disaster prevention and information security measures entirely up to cloud service providers. With NTT SmartConnect’s cloud services, however, customers can rest assured. We use our own data center with numerous highly sophisticated facilities to protect systems from widespread disaster, large-scale power outages and trespassers, and to support business continuity on the part of our customers.

Full Support
We ensure peace of mind through painstaking introductory
consulting and a dedicated call center.
Given the diversity of services that are available and the fact that cloud computing continues to evolve, oftentimes customers find it difficult to judge exactly what sort of services are best suited for them. NTT SmartConnect has in place an expert consulting system to help individual customers address such questions. We have also set up a dedicated desk to respond courteously to even the smallest customer inquiries about cloud system introduction and operation.
Streaming Business
Extensive Track Record
We have earned the trust of clients in a diverse range
of fields by applying technologies cultivated.
NTT SmartConnect has been involved in a host of initiatives involving video transmission, including the live relay of high school baseball games, and we have accumulated numerous technologies and a wealth of expertise involving the configuration and operation of streaming systems. Today, we enjoy a strong reputation for the stable and high-quality transmission services we provide to customers in a wide array of sectors: broadcasters, publishers and news organizations, as well as general manufacturers and educational organizations. We have also built up an enviable track record in the transmission of large-scale events, such as concerts, sports tournaments and international conferences.

Stable Transmission
We ensure transmission stability through entirely redundant
systems and 24/7 year-round, full-time monitoring.
A stable transmission platform is vital to the provision of large-volume on-demand content and high-volume live transmission. NTT SmartConnect transmission systems minimize downtime, creating a complete dual (back-up) system with the storage network. In addition to the physical back-up of the transmission server, the system is constructed to provide prompt fail over for each host. Moreover, in addition to the high-quality transmission offered by a super high speed IP backbone directly connected to an IX, stable transmission is achieved through optimized circuitry that minimizes overconcentration when sudden traffic occurs. Our specialists monitor the system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, enabling rapid response should trouble arise.

Superb Cost Performance
High reliability and reasonable pricing enables us to
offer services featuring excellent cost performance.
We have established graduated pricing plans that vary according to communication volume and line speed so that customers can select the solutions that best match their usage requirements. For clients concerned about cost, we can estimate the length and image-quality of the content to be transmitted as well as the anticipated access volume, etc., and propose services that are optimized for each individual case.